Social - Społeczeństwo

Zaangażowanie społeczne i socjalne t oważny punkt w firmie NORRES Schlauchtechnik. Nasze darowizny wspierają instytucje socjalne. Szczególnie ważne są dla nas projekty, w których wspieramy osoby niepełnosprawne, zwłaszcza dzieci. Angażujemy się również w ochronę środowiska.

NORRES Schlauchtechnik regularnie wspiera pracę organizacji “Arche Noah – Arka Noego”. Arka Noego to hospicjum dla dzieci w naszym regionie. Obiekt jest unikatowy w swojej koncepcji w kraju i łączy dwie funkcje: hospicjum dla nieuleczalnie chorych dzieci i jednocześnie krótkookresowa opieka nad niepełnosprawnymi dziećmi. Profesjonalna opieka w Arce Noego odciąża i wspiera rodziny chorych. Darowizny na Boże Narodzenie to również tradycja w NORRES.

W firmie NORRES wszyscy ludzie są równi. Dlatego wszyscy pracownicy mają takie same możliwości. Pochodzenie etniczne, religia, pochodzenie społeczne, wiek, płeć lub niepełnosprawność są bez znaczenia. NORRES ściśle współpracuje z z akładem pracy chronionej. Niepełnosprawni pracują w firmie NORRES i uczestniczą w pełni w życiu firmy.

NORRRES Schlauchtechnik dba o środowisko naturalne zgodnie z wymogami. Wraz z przeprowadzką do zakładu II poczyniliśmy znaczne inwestycje w ekologiczny proces produkcji i oszczędne eksploatowanie budynku biurowego. Optymalna izolacja, izolowane okna, klimatyzacja sterowana centralnie i odzysk ciepła na produkcji chronią optymalnie środowisko: od momentu przeprowadzki w 2009 r. do wyremontowanego objektu w Gelsenkirchen firma NORRES zredukowała znacznie zużycie wody, prądu i energii – mimo, że powierzchnia zwiększyła się czterokrotnie.

Proszę zapoznać się z aktualnościami naszego programu socjalnego i społecznego!

NORRES environmental solutions: Shorter lead times thanks to warehouse expansion

Shorter lead times provide added value for customers

At NORRES Schlauchtechnik, the focus is on the customers: the company offers premium quality products that are developed and produced in Germany, excellent service and comprehensive professional advice. The latest highlight: Thanks to an extension of the warehouse – including the warehouse of the environmental solutions department - the company is now able to more flexibly meet customers' requirements and shorten lead times.

Extended warehouse and shortened lead times:

NORRES forecasts a positive business development. The hose manufacturer based in Gelsenkirchen Schalke has significantly extended its warehouse at its headquarters. This also applies to the hose department. The extension comprises 2,000 sqm of materials warehouse in an additional hall. "This allows us to be more flexible", explained Burkhard Mollen regarding this investment. "With the expansion as well as with the already launched 125 innovations, we will set new standards especially in terms of service. Thus, we are able to meet our customers' requirements regarding shorter lead times in the future", said NORRES CEO. Thanks to the warehouse expansion, the globally operating medium-sized company is now able to offer a complete package ranging from premium quality products and technical innovations through to excellent service.

Product qualities which have been improved at the beginning of the year:

At the beginning of the year, NORRES Schlauchtechnik already impressed with product qualities in the area of environmental solutions for the 2014 anniversary year. The globally operating medium-sized company presented the NORRES PRO2AIR Pre-PUR® membrane diffuser with lowest pressure loss as well as the NORRES PRO2AIR Pre-PUR® membrane tube diffuser with lowest pressure loss. Thanks to the advanced Pre- PUR® quality, both products provide essential energy savings. At the same time, NORRES modified the product range for the PRO2AIR membrane tube diffuser.

125 years of NORRES Schlauchtechnik

Founded in 1889, NORRES develops, produces and globally distributes hoses and flexible hose system solutions. With over 250 employees and eight facilities worldwide, the aim is to become the core market leader in Germany and internationally. The Group focuses on international expansion. Earlier this year, NORRES announced the opening of the first NORRES North America Inc. facility in South Bend, Indiana, USA. As an owner-managed production company with brand products and tradition, NORRES is independent and well-positioned. NORRES is ISO 9001:2008 certified and guarantees consistently high standards, from purchasing to development and production through to dispatch. A comprehensive quality management system additionally ensures compliance with all performance commitments. NORRES hoses comply with a broad range of regulations for various industries, such as the ATEX Directive, UL approvals, FDA conformity, EU Directives and numerous other foodstuff directives.

The manufacturer of technical hoses, hose solutions and cable protection systems as well as environmental solutions celebrates its 125 birthday in 2014 and takes it literally: 125 years of NORRES have to be celebrated with 125 innovations. Numerous innovations in the product and service range have already been implemented with further innovations planned - also in the environmental solutions Segment.

Image 1: (Photo: © maxoidos -
Capture 1: Thanks to an extension of the warehouse NORRES is now able to more flexibly meet customers' requirements (Photo:© maxoidos -