Responsabilità sociale

La NORRES Schlauchtechnik ha una lunga storia di comportamento responsabile nei confronti della società in cui viviamo. Partecipiamo spesso ad attività che vanno a beneficio di organizzazioni caritatevoli. Siamo estremamente interessati a sostenere progetti che aiutano le persone socialmente svantaggiate, specialmente quando coinvolgono i bambini. Diamo anche un contributo attivo alla protezione dell'ambiente.

La NORRES Schlauchtechnik fa regolarmente delle donazioni all'"Arca di Noè", un ente di beneficenza che si descrive come "un ospizio per bambini nella regione e per la regione". Il concetto dell'Arca, che è l'unico del suo genere in tutta la Germania, definisce due funzioni principali: offrire un rifugio per i bambini malati incurabili e agire come un centro di assistenza a breve termine per i giovani con gravi disabilità. Lo scopo è quello di assistere le famiglie interessate fornendo assistenza professionale e sollievo ai bambini e agli adolescenti nel centro dell'Arca di Noè. NORRES fa tradizionalmente una donazione a questa causa meritevole a Natale.

In NORRES, tutte le persone sono uguali. Tutto il nostro personale beneficia delle stesse opportunità. La loro origine etnica, religione, estrazione sociale, età, sesso o disabilità sono considerati irrilevanti. NORRES mantiene stretti legami con un centro per disabili. Il personale disabile svolge il suo lavoro direttamente sul sito NORRES ed è quindi pienamente integrato nella vita dell'azienda.

L'uso sostenibile delle risorse naturali è fermamente radicato nei processi lavorativi quotidiani della NORRES Schlauchtechnik. Il trasferimento nel nostro nuovo stabilimento "Am Stadthafen" ha coinciso con ampi investimenti nella produzione ecologica e nelle tecnologie HVAC. Isolamento efficiente, doppi vetri, climatizzazione centralizzata con refrigeratori d'acqua e produzione con recupero di calore significano una protezione ottimale dell'ambiente. Da quando ha preso possesso del nuovo stabilimento, completamente rinnovato, nel porto di Gelsenkirchen nel 2009, NORRES è riuscita a ridurre drasticamente il consumo di acqua, elettricità e combustibile per il riscaldamento, nonostante la superficie sia quasi quadruplicata.

Leggi le ultime notizie sul nostro impegno e responsabilità sociale!

Unbroken success drives NORRES Schlauchtechnik's expansion in Gelsenkirchen

Staff and production lines continue to grow

Gelsenkirchen, August 1, 2007 – When Burkhard Mollen, Proprietor of NORRES Schlauchtechnik, announced his intention a year ago to significantly expand production capacities and create between 15% and 20% new jobs in Gelsenkirchen with the purchase of a second plant, the targets he set for his company were remarkably ambitious. Only twelve months on, these goals have been easily exceeded. Subsequent to the approval of planning permission, the refurbishment work progressed at such a rapid pace throughout the winter that production in the second plant has already been able to commence on several lines. The sizable increase in manufacturing capacity has resulted in a 30% rise in the firm's headcount, which now totals more than 130 highly qualified personnel.

Production lines extended

Six production lines are meanwhile up and running at the new “Am Stadthafen” site parallel to production in the main Freiligrathstrasse plant. A seventh line was officially opened today by Frank Baranowski, Lord Mayor of Gelsenkirchen. All production lines at NORRES are built in the company's own plant and machine shop. NORRES continually strives to manufacture in line with the latest technical standards and to meet the ever changing needs of the marketplace in general and its customers in particular. The inauguration of these seven production lines has resulted in a substantial increase in production capacities. The new, ultra-modern manufacturing facility has streamlined and accelerated production and enabled processes to be further optimised. The second plant generates a whole series of benefits for NORRES customers all over the world: owing to the extended warehouse capacity, they now profit from an even bigger stock and quicker availability of products in larger quantities. In addition, more production lines can be dedicated to customised solutions.

High-quality products “Made in Germany”

Proprietor and Managing Director Burkhard Mollen, himself a native of Gelsenkirchen, was particularly keen to support the town's position as a business location. Thanks to the commitment and negotiating skills of Lord Mayor Frank Baranowski and the City of Gelsenkirchen's Economic Development department under the direction of Mr. Hampe, NORRES was able to take possession of the 55,000 m2 site “Am Stadthafen 12-16” in April 2005.

The decision to acquire the site and the renewed pledge of loyalty to the owner's home town represent a logical step in the company's growth strategy. The newly opened Gelsenkirchen plant will enable Burkhard Mollen to continue a long and consistently nurtured tradition of corporate development into the future. High-quality products and technological innovations are at the focus of NORRES' strategic business operations. Numerous novel ideas have driven the company's successful expansion in the last few years. The hose manufacturer will take advantage of the new, spacious facilities not only to augment its production and warehouse capacity but also to intensify its research and development activities.

New jobs created

Subsequent to the approval of planning permission for the new “Am Stadthafen” site a year ago, Proprietor and Managing Director Burkhard Mollen announced his intention to create 15% to 20% extra jobs in the period up to its completion. Well before construction work on the second plant is terminated, this target has been easily exceeded. A total of 32 new staff were taken on between July 1, 2006 and July 1, 2007. They comprise 11 in administration and sales and 21 in production, the warehouse and our in-house research and development department. A fourth trainee will join the company this autumn over and above the three already on the NORRES payroll. Our highly motivated and qualified workforce meanwhile numbers 132 people from Gelsenkirchen and the surrounding area. Many of today's key players have remained faithful to the firm, established over 120 years ago, since the days of their apprenticeship. Earlier this year, yet another employee celebrated 25 years at NORRES. Since Burkhard Mollen took over all shares in the business in 2003, our headcount has risen not only sharply but also steadily.


NORRES Schlauchtechnik GmbH & Co. KG is a leading manufacturer of industrial hoses and hose systems. A medium-sized enterprise, it specialises in the manufacture of abrasion resistant polyurethane hoses for use in the automotive, pharmaceutical, food and chemical industries as well as in agriculture, mechanical engineering and many other areas. They transport gaseous, liquid, solid, pasty and free-flowing media in a variety of quantities and volumes.

Innovation, know-how and long-term testing combined with the highest quality standards regarding materials and techniques – the proven NORRES recipe for excellent products that bring tangible benefits to users.