Engagement social
L’engagement social et au sein de la société est indissociable de la culture de l’entreprise NORRES Schlauchtechnik. C’est pour cela que nous apportons notre soutien économique à différentes institutions sociales. Les projets auxquels nous tenons le plus sont les projets qui apportent du soutien aux personnes démunies et en particulier aux enfants. En plus de cela, nous nous engageons activement dans la protection de l’environnement.
Avec ses dons, la société NORRES Schlauchtechnik apporte un soutien économique régulier au travail de l’association “Arche Noah” (arche de Noé). L’Arche Noah est un hospice pour enfants dans la région et pour la région. L’établissement est unique dans sa conception en Allemagne et il a deux fonctions: C’est un hospice pour les enfants atteints de maladies incurables et en même temps un établissement accueillant pour des périodes brèves des enfants qui souffrent de handicaps graves. Son objectif est celui d’aider et de faciliter un peu la vie des familles en accueillant, assistant et soignant de manière professionnelle leurs enfants et adolescents dans l’Arche Noah. La donation de noël est désormais une tradition chez NORRES.
Chez NORRES, tous sont égaux. C’est aussi pour cette raison que tous les employés de l’entreprise reçoivent les mêmes possibilités. L’origine ethnique, la religion, l’origine sociale, l’âge, le sexe ou les handicaps ne jouent strictement aucun rôle. NORRES collabore de manière rapprochée avec un établissement de personnes handicapées. Les employés handicapés travaillent directement chez NORRES et sont parfaitement intégrés dans la vie de l’entreprise.
La société NORRRES Schlauchtechnik a parfaitement transposé le caractère viable et respectueux de notre environnement dans les comportements et processus de tous les jours. Avec le déménagement dans l’usine II, nous avons réalisé d’importants investissements ciblés pour obtenir des systèmes de production et bâtiments permettant de réaliser des économies d’énergie. Une isolation thermique optimale, les fenêtres avec des vitres isolantes, le système de climatisation à eau froide à commande centrale et la production avec récupération et recyclage de la chaleur sont une preuve optimal d’un grand respect de l’environnement: Depuis le déménagement en 2009 dans le nouveau bâtiment entièrement réhabilité dans le port de Gelsenkirchen, la société NORRES est parvenue à réduire de manière impressionnante sa consommation d’eau, d’électricité et d’énergie de chauffage – et cela malgré le fait que la surface utile de l’usine avait été quadruplée.
Lisez ici les nouveautés actuelles sur notre engagement social et notre engagement au sein de la société!
NORRES expands its stock of full plastic hoses
125 years of NORRES Schlauchtechnik– the next good idea in the anniversary year
The 125 innovations in the 125th anniversary year continues with NORRES Schlauchtechnik expanding its stock of full plastic hoses: the reliable and lightweight NORPLAST® PUR-CU 385 AS and NORPLAST® PUR 385 AS together with the strong and robust NORPLAST® PUR-CU 386 AS, are immediately available ex warehouse in an antistatic version. All of the hoses have one thing in common: a permanent conductivity without any migrating antistatic. With this good idea, NORRES is expanding the area of use of the full plastic hoses for its customers.
Flexible, abrasion-proof and permanently antistatic
The light full plastic NORPLAST® PUR-CU 385 AS suction and transport hose is now supplied in an antistatic version ex warehouse. It is fitted with a grounding wire and is conductive in accordance with TRBS 2153. The abrasion-proof NORPLAST® PUR-CU 385 AS is permanently antistatic and is especially suitable for use in de-dusting and suction plants in addition to industrial vacuum cleaners and for the suction of paper and textile fibres.
As a further addition, the flexible and lightweight NORPLAST® PUR 385 AS is now permanently antistatic. This new full plastic hose can especially be put to use where dust, powders or fibres are transported.
Robust, abrasion-proof and permanently antistatic
When it comes to meeting their demands for heavy plastic hoses, NORRES is again able to offer its customers added value with the NORPLAST® PUR-CU 386 AS as this hose is also immediately available with a non-migrating antistatic agent as standard, rendering it permanently antistatic. It is also fitted with a grounding wire and is conductive in accordance with TRBS 2153. The NORPLAST® PUR-CU 386 AS is especially suitable for the transportation of abrasive solids with a high throughput, e.g. for industrial vacuum cleaners, granulate conveying systems and compressors. The permanently antistatic design also expands the range of use here and thereby enhances the efficiency of this new product.
Process reliability and occupational safety
Electrostatic charging can already occur when small quantities of solids are transported through chargeable tubes and hoses as a result of friction being caused on the wall and within the medium itself. This can result in malfunctions in the transport process, etc., this especially having an effect on the electric measuring and control devices. Incorrect hazardous conduct resulting from a startle response when a discharge takes place via the human body can place occupational safety at risk. The best protective measure against this risk is and remains the prevention of an antistatic charge by choosing the correct hose: NORRES is no able to offer its customers this additional comfort and safety with the permanently antistatic NORPLAST® PUR-CU 385 AS, NORPLAST® PUR 385 AS and NORPLAST® PUR-CU 386 AS. With this innovation, NORRES is expanding the area of use of its tried and tested hoses for its full plastic range customers.
125 years of NORRES Schlauchtechnik
With the dedicated use of the permanently antistatic design of the full plastic hoses and the expansion of its stocks in this segment, NORRES is acting in keeping with its anniversary slogan: 125 Years of NORRES and 125 innovations. Numerous innovative products and services are planned in the anniversary year in which the manufacturer of technical hoses and hose systems, in addition to cable protection systems and environmental solutions, is celebrating its 125th anniversary. NORRES, established 1889, develops, produces and distributes hoses and flexible hose system solutions worldwide. With more than 200 employees and locations around the world, it is our aim to become the national and international leader in our core business. The corporate group is organised with international expansion in mind and NORRES is independent and in a sound position as an owner-managed production company with brand products and a tradition. NORRES is certified according to ISO 9001:2008 and guarantees a permanently high standard, from Purchasing to Development, from Production to Shipping. In addition to this, a comprehensive quality management system also ensures that all of our performance promises are adhered to. Hoses from NORRES are conform with the most diverse rules for many branches such as the ATEX guideline, UL approvals, FDA conformity or EU directives and numerous other food safety directives.