Engagement social

L’engagement social et au sein de la société est indissociable de la culture de l’entreprise NORRES Schlauchtechnik. C’est pour cela que nous apportons notre soutien économique à différentes institutions sociales. Les projets auxquels nous tenons le plus sont les projets qui apportent du soutien aux personnes démunies et en particulier aux enfants. En plus de cela, nous nous engageons activement dans la protection de l’environnement.

Avec ses dons, la société NORRES Schlauchtechnik apporte un soutien économique régulier au travail de l’association “Arche Noah” (arche de Noé). L’Arche Noah est un hospice pour enfants dans la région et pour la région. L’établissement est unique dans sa conception en Allemagne et il a deux fonctions: C’est un hospice pour les enfants atteints de maladies incurables et en même temps un établissement accueillant pour des périodes brèves des enfants qui souffrent de handicaps graves. Son objectif est celui d’aider et de faciliter un peu la vie des familles en accueillant, assistant et soignant de manière professionnelle leurs enfants et adolescents dans l’Arche Noah. La donation de noël est désormais une tradition chez NORRES.

Chez NORRES, tous sont égaux. C’est aussi pour cette raison que tous les employés de l’entreprise reçoivent les mêmes possibilités. L’origine ethnique, la religion, l’origine sociale, l’âge, le sexe ou les handicaps ne jouent strictement aucun rôle. NORRES collabore de manière rapprochée avec un établissement de personnes handicapées. Les employés handicapés travaillent directement chez NORRES et sont parfaitement intégrés dans la vie de l’entreprise.

La société NORRRES Schlauchtechnik a parfaitement transposé le caractère viable et respectueux de notre environnement dans les comportements et processus de tous les jours. Avec le déménagement dans l’usine II, nous avons réalisé d’importants investissements ciblés pour obtenir des systèmes de production et bâtiments permettant de réaliser des économies d’énergie. Une isolation thermique optimale, les fenêtres avec des vitres isolantes, le système de climatisation à eau froide à commande centrale et la production avec récupération et recyclage de la chaleur sont une preuve optimal d’un grand respect de l’environnement: Depuis le déménagement en 2009 dans le nouveau bâtiment entièrement réhabilité dans le port de Gelsenkirchen, la société NORRES est parvenue à réduire de manière impressionnante sa consommation d’eau, d’électricité et d’énergie de chauffage – et cela malgré le fait que la surface utile de l’usine avait été quadruplée.

Lisez ici les nouveautés actuelles sur notre engagement social et notre engagement au sein de la société!

Mayor Frank Baranowski visits NORRES

The NORRES Group, founded in 1889 has 129 years of experience and tradition. Since Burkhard Mollen, Managing Director, has taking over the business of the group 15 years ago, NORRES has been able to achieve an organic sales growth of more than 10% per year on average. These economic dynamics have recently increased, leading to an organic growth of 20% in 2017 and continuing in 2018 with the same strong growth rate. The company also manufactures in China and the USA for many years, and runs group's own subs in France, Poland, the UK, the Czech Republic and Taiwan. Despite or even caused by the internationalization strategy, 40 extra jobs and new hires were created in 2017 in Gelsenkirchen! A good reason for the Mayor Frank Baranowski, city council Dr. Christopher Schmitt and the head of department of business development Rainer Schiffkowski to pay a visit to the NORRES Group.

One of the topics discussed during the conversation was, of course, the above-average growth and the question of how NORRES was able to realize this growth and is currently able to do so. "The operating efficiency of the NORRES Group is based on our successful strategy and top employees. Both are due to the fact that satisfied employees develop successful strategies, but successful strategies also include measures to attract and retain top employees. The economic success of the NORRES Group and the award as TOP employer prove this, " explains Managing Director Burkhard Mollen.

"Our strategic focus is internationalization, innovation and operational excellence for customers by e.g. creating digital processes, such as web-based hose selection, online inventory inquiry, tracking of shipments, customer portal and many more. We are targeting fast-growing markets, such as the Food-, Robot- and Wind power-industry as well as automation technology. In addition, NORRES products and services add important values and cost savings from our customer´s perspective."

NORRES was awarded as a TOP Employer last Friday in Berlin. The award was presented by the former Federal Minister of Economics Wolfgang Clement. The „TOP JOB“ mentor appreciated the NORRES group for its strategic and sustainable assurance for skilled labour and its steady and systematic development of its employers performance. The award winners emerged from the survey of around 20,000 employees in Germany.

NORRES employees gave themselves and the company above-average marks:

  • High satisfaction concerning the fields of activity
  • Positive working environment and good communication with colleagues and supervisors
  • Strong commitment of employees regarding corporate culture and goals
  • Above average periods of employment
  • Family-friendly
  • No age discrimination
  • Dismissal intent far below the benchmark / best practice

„We have introduced many social approaches, including flexible working hours, a subsidized canteen of healthy and fresh food, and various NORRES sports groups. In addition, we are trying to motivate our employees through modern offices and work equipment, an international exchange between the branches, NORRES 'own suggestion and idea management NIM2, as well as regular coaching and further education," explains Burkhard Mollen.

What is the future for NORRES in Gelsenkirchen? "We also plan an organic growth of 10% for the coming years, and in addition we want to grow by + 50% during the next 3 years by professional acquisition. The establishment of further branches abroad, the digitalisation of the business and product innovations are already decided or in the implementation. The clear commitment to the location Gelsenkirchen is anchored in the NORRES mission statement. Gelsenkirchen is the ideal location because right here we find a large number of skilled workers as well as available real estate and workforce. For these reasons, too, we will continue to invest in the location at the city harbour, for example by acquiring three new machines and, of course, the creation of new jobs in Gelsenkirchen," answers the managing director.

Mayor Frank Baranowski congratulated NORRES on the TOP JOB award. He also confirmed the essentiality of NORRES as an economic operator in Gelsenkirchen and was pleased with the positive development of NORRES. He also reported a similar positive development for several years for the business location Gelsenkirchen, so the year 2017 was the most successful year for decades for business development. Afterwards, some views of further future projects and activities of the city of Gelsenkirchen, such as "Smart City" and "Networked City" were already mentioned.