Engagement social

L’engagement social et au sein de la société est indissociable de la culture de l’entreprise NORRES Schlauchtechnik. C’est pour cela que nous apportons notre soutien économique à différentes institutions sociales. Les projets auxquels nous tenons le plus sont les projets qui apportent du soutien aux personnes démunies et en particulier aux enfants. En plus de cela, nous nous engageons activement dans la protection de l’environnement.

Avec ses dons, la société NORRES Schlauchtechnik apporte un soutien économique régulier au travail de l’association “Arche Noah” (arche de Noé). L’Arche Noah est un hospice pour enfants dans la région et pour la région. L’établissement est unique dans sa conception en Allemagne et il a deux fonctions: C’est un hospice pour les enfants atteints de maladies incurables et en même temps un établissement accueillant pour des périodes brèves des enfants qui souffrent de handicaps graves. Son objectif est celui d’aider et de faciliter un peu la vie des familles en accueillant, assistant et soignant de manière professionnelle leurs enfants et adolescents dans l’Arche Noah. La donation de noël est désormais une tradition chez NORRES.

Chez NORRES, tous sont égaux. C’est aussi pour cette raison que tous les employés de l’entreprise reçoivent les mêmes possibilités. L’origine ethnique, la religion, l’origine sociale, l’âge, le sexe ou les handicaps ne jouent strictement aucun rôle. NORRES collabore de manière rapprochée avec un établissement de personnes handicapées. Les employés handicapés travaillent directement chez NORRES et sont parfaitement intégrés dans la vie de l’entreprise.

La société NORRRES Schlauchtechnik a parfaitement transposé le caractère viable et respectueux de notre environnement dans les comportements et processus de tous les jours. Avec le déménagement dans l’usine II, nous avons réalisé d’importants investissements ciblés pour obtenir des systèmes de production et bâtiments permettant de réaliser des économies d’énergie. Une isolation thermique optimale, les fenêtres avec des vitres isolantes, le système de climatisation à eau froide à commande centrale et la production avec récupération et recyclage de la chaleur sont une preuve optimal d’un grand respect de l’environnement: Depuis le déménagement en 2009 dans le nouveau bâtiment entièrement réhabilité dans le port de Gelsenkirchen, la société NORRES est parvenue à réduire de manière impressionnante sa consommation d’eau, d’électricité et d’énergie de chauffage – et cela malgré le fait que la surface utile de l’usine avait été quadruplée.

Lisez ici les nouveautés actuelles sur notre engagement social et notre engagement au sein de la société!

German Industrial Hose Manufacturer Picks Indiana for First North American Facility

NORRES starts business in United States

GELSENKIRCHEN, Germany (April 15, 2014) – Governor Mike Pence joined executives from NORRES, a German manufacturer of industrial hoses, today to announce the company’s plans to locate its first North American facility in South Bend, Ind., creating up to 32 new high-wage jobs by 2018.

The Gelsenkirchen, Germany-based company will invest $1.87 million to purchase, renovate and equip a more than 30,000 square-foot facility at 2520 Foundation Drive in South Bend. The company expects to launch its Indiana operations at the end of May, serving warehouse and production operations for original equipment manufacturers across the country.

“As NORRES finds its North American home in the Hoosier State, it will also soon stand out in its industry with the advantages it gains in Indiana,” said Pence. “After meeting with NORRES leaders today, our Hoosier business environment is a perfect fit for the growth plans the company’s leadership shared with me. Just like the many other German companies that already dot our Hoosier landscape, our central U.S. location and affordable cost of doing business are key assets companies gain in Indiana, a state that works for business.”

NORRES, which develops, produces and sells industrial hoses for the pharmaceutical, food production and plastics industries, employs more than 250 associates around the world. The company plans to begin hiring engineering, production, sales and administrative positions at the new Indiana facility in the coming months.

“To accommodate remarkable growth rates, NORRES sought the support of the German American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest in Chicago to find the best place to locate its North American facility,” said Burkhard Mollen, chairman of NORRES. “After an extensive site search, NORRES chose Indiana for this facility because of its decisive advantages of location, especially its central geographical position that will make it an optimal transportion hub.”

Founded in 1889, NORRES helps companies optimize production with specialized technical hoses, hose systems and system accessories. In addition, the company plans to produce cable protection conduits and membrane tube diffuser aeration systems, which can be used for waste water treatment. With an additional facility in China NORRES operates with a focus on sustainability, using bioplastics and raw materials with a limited environmental impact during production. NORRES hoses comply with a wide range of standards and specifications in the most diverse industries, including the ATEX Directive, UL approvals, FDA conformity and numerous other food regulations.

"This is another great example of cooperation between the state, the city and the St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce to attract new investment and bring good paying jobs to our community," said South Bend Deputy Mayor Mark Neal. "South Bend, Ind. is on the world map as a great destination for advanced manufacturing. NORRES' precision operations will create the types of skilled jobs that will further South Bend's comeback.

The Indiana Economic Development Corporation offered NORRES North America, Inc. up to $465,000 in conditional tax credits based on the company's job creation plans. These tax credits are performance-based, meaning until Hoosiers are hired, the company is not eligible to claim incentives. The city of South Bend will consider additional property tax abatement.

NORRES will join 110 other German companies operating in the Hoosier State that are responsible for the creation of 12,500 jobs in recent years. This week Pence is leading his second overseas economic development and jobs mission to Germany, after his initial mission to Japan last year. Germany is the third largest source of foreign investment and employment in Indiana.


NORRES, established in 1889, is a global player and a leading manufacturer of industrial hoses, hose systems and other innovative, high-performance plastic products. By constantly endeavoring to develop new product and system ideas, optimise existing ones and design made-to-measure solutions for a wide range of industries and customer requirements, NORRES supports you in your efforts to secure product advantages and cut costs with innovative solution strategies.

A broad spectrum of complementary services and consulting further relieve the strain on your budget and boost your productivity. For more information, visit www.norres.com.

About IEDC

Created in 2005 to replace the former Department of Commerce, the Indiana Economic Development Corporation is governed by a 12-member board chaired by Governor Mike Pence. Victor Smith serves as the Indiana Secretary of Commerce and Eric Doden is the president of the IEDC.

The IEDC oversees programs enacted by the General Assembly including tax credits, workforce training grants and public infrastructure assistance. All tax credits are performance-based. Therefore, companies must first invest in Indiana through job creation or capital investment before incentives are paid. A company who does not meet its full projections only receives a percentage of the incentives proportional to its actual investment. For more information about IEDC, visit www.iedc.in.gov.