Approvazioni normative alimentari
PUR-FOOD series polyurethane hoses
The polyurethane hoses in the NORRES PUR-FOOD series, which are made from special, particularly high-quality raw materials, are optimally suited for many applications in the food sector. This product series includes the following hose types:
These hose types have official legal and regulatory approvals for food applications from independent laboratories, comply with numerous food industry guidelines and can also be used with certain restrictions in the medical sector.
Amongst other things, the material used for the hose wall has the following properties:
- FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) conformity:
All raw materials and additives used (other than stabilisers) are listed in the FDA's Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21 § 177.2600 “Rubber articles intended for repeated use”, published on April 1, 2010. All antioxidants / stabilisers used are listed in § 178.2010 "Antioxidants and / or stabilisers for polymers". - BfR (German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment):
All monomers used in the manufacturing process are listed in the version of the German Regulations on Commodities published on February 23, 1997 (BGBI. 1998 I, p. 5), as last amended on june 24, 2013 (BGBI. I, p. 3130). All raw materials used are listed in BfR Recommendation XXXIX, “Commodities based on polyurethane” published on Junuary 1, 2012. - EU Directive 10/2011 and 2015/174:
All monomers and additives used are listed in the Annexes to EU Directive 10/2011 as well as in supplementary Regulation 2015/174.
For those hoses which include the EU’s official food logo – the glass / fork symbol – exists an official approval for each complete hose by an independent testing laboratory in accordance with the newest EU Directive 10/2011 as well as the supplementary Regulation 2015/174.
Analyses carried out by an independent testing laboratory show that these product series meet the requirements of the EU Directive 10/2011 “Synthetic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food” and the German Regulations on Commodities for food contact materials. Please note the official test certificate.

Below is a selection of our products that have the product quality icon "EU food approval":
- Tubo di aspirazione ad alta resistenza all'abrasione + tubo flessibile di pressione, tubo in poliuretano
- antistatico < 10⁹
- Spessore della parete circa 0,7 mm
- Da -40°C a 90°C (125°C)
- Tubo di aspirazione ad alta resistenza all'abrasione + tubo flessibile di pressione, tubo in poliuretano
- FDA e conformità UE
- Spessore della parete circa 0,6 mm
- Da -40°C a 90°C (125°C)
- Tubo di aspirazione ad alta resistenza all'abrasione + tubo flessibile di pressione, tubo in poliuretano
- antistatico < 10⁹
- Spessore della parete 4 - 6mm
- Da -40°C a 90°C
- Tubo di aspirazione ad alta resistenza all'abrasione + tubo flessibile di pressione, tubo in poliuretano
- FDA e conformità UE
- Spessore della parete 1,5 mm
- Da -40°C a 90°C (125°C)
PE-FOOD series polyethylene hoses
The polyethylene hoses from the NORRES PE-FOOD series, which are made of special, particularly high-quality raw materials, are optimally suited for many applications in the food sector. This product series includes the following hose types:
Amongst other things, the material used for the hose wall has the following properties:
- FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) conformity:
The material complies with the regulations of the US Food and Drug Administration for food contact substances (FCN) and is the result of a premarket notification (FCN741) dated September 28, 2007. This notification permits the use of this material in contact with all food types under conditions A to H, as described in Table 2 of the FDA CFSAN information on Food Additive Safety, April 2006, "Definitions of Food Types and Conditions of Use for Food Contact Substances". All auxiliaries used in the manufacture of the polyolefin copolymers cited here comply with the requirements and limit values specified in 21 CFR 177.1520(c), item 3.1 or 3.2. - Used additives are listed in the amended Directive 10/2011. Used raw materials do not contain additives which approriated as dual use additives.
Note: The directives for food contact cited above, which are based on EU Directives, partly lead to limitations on the residual content of individual components of synthetic materials. However, it should be noted that EU Directive 10/2011, which applies to all EU member states, provides a limit value for the overall constituent migration in synthetic products for food sector use. Even if, as in this case, an official statement is available from the manufacturer, these tests should nevertheless be performed on the end product by the processor according to EU Directive 10/2011 in contact with the corresponding foods or food simulation materials. The measurement time and temperatures should be chosen to reflect actual conditions during the normal use of the articles, in accordance with the rule laid down in EU Directive 10/2011. It is the responsibility of the processor to ensure that an article is suitable for its intended purpose.)
Engineering modifications subject to change.